Daily News - 13th June 2021
dailycompetitionblitzdonatorsother teamsalliancesDVAofficer of the week
Hello Silly Entities!
Time for another daily update on Folly Times.
Captain's Log #
Today I've done 200 races and got another new high speed of 145wpm with 100% accuracy yay!
Donations #
Yesterday I received some money from 2 people from DVA. One of the members was a former member of Folly Times and is helping out their friend.
- Blue_Crew donated $1,000,000
- Nitro Grinder donated $1,190,000 (context, I sent a Good Luck cash after receiving the goodbye email hehe and some of that money may have been given back)
Today I also receive a donation but I accidentally closed the window! Wah. I suspect it was from someone that tried to apply this team (who I accepted).
Competition - Blitz #
Congratulations to the winners:
🥇 \Igor\ (300 races!) wins 300k
🥈 2000 Races (71 races!) wins 200k
🥉 .KenK. (51 races!) wins 100k
Another blitz has started.
Team Update #
We hit a low today with barely 1000 races in the last 24 hour count. I'm disappointed wah, so today is the day I start to spring clean members sobs.
Congratulations Igor on 10k Team Races and Pirc #
One of our active racers and today's winner _Igor_ has reached 10K Team Races and also won Pirc from 20K Lifetime Races. Congratulations!
Officer of Week Announcement Soon #
I haven't had time to check the next winner for officer. I will after posting this news and dealing with MOTD and cash sending. More to come!
Until next time!
- Silje P. Entidy
- Next: Officer of the Week - Issue 3
- Previous: Daily News - 12th June 2021