I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 16th October 2021

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another special daily comp, daily update on Folly Times! Yay! Hehe!

Captain's Log #

Today I stopped at 300 races. I thought about doing another 50 more races before writing this news post... but I'm pretty slow at writing it and logging all the comp results hehe.

I tried doing the accuracy comp, but I kept sandbagging to 100s on WPM... It's also a bit trickier doing accuracy at home because of the ongoing desk setup and linear keyboard hehe. So I increased my speed to "long grinding" level and just loosely taking advantage of the linear keyboard's smooth feeling. My last 100 races has been jumping back and forth between the 110 and 120 league.

Same usual suspects were on the race track like um:

Also got to race some old friends (hardly raced them since I took a break):

Nitro Type Please add Locale Features on Website #

So I heard the next season is about Autumn but here down under... it's Spring! Come on, stop doing Season Themes from US hehe. Like back to school? It's still school here! Oh and Summer Trails? What you mean Rainy Trails here right?...


(this is a joke rant btw, don't get triggered, I use US timezones and spelling here and on the Folly Times Dev Code!)

Website Work #

Last night I said I would do some web work on the Comp page... but I went to sleep instead wah... Also tried doing some work on it in the afternoon, but only been updating the "stack"... (Eleventy Update for all you NT dev racers hehe).

After the comp is over... I feel like doing even more web work instead of grinding.

Oh and another reminder: At the end of season and next season, my stat system won't show earned points or might even show negative points wah! It's a known issue and while I did code up some "predicted points" system, I haven't rolled it out. I want to explore more about the NT Team Stats and its caching tricks first... (hehe oh I'm such a nerd).

Time to look for More Web Hosting Options #

I'm thinking of moving the stat system to a new host... Or perhaps I might look for another hosting just for a "free to use" team stats system for anyone to use.

Donations #

I have logged two donators a few days ago but it's on my work computer wah... But today I did see the following:


NOTE: There's a chance I might had imagined the second one. It happened after we raced, so probably is one. I sent my thanks on Discord with that regard and I didn't get the "wut ya talkin bout bruh cakes?"

One day I'll update this temporary site to have donators page and on the home page hehe.

Big Comp Update #

Visit here to see the results from Day 6. One more to go hehe!

Day 6 - Pin the Spider on the Web Results #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st Silly Sandbagger (99.64% accuracy (25 races)) wins $2,950,000 - Nitro Ghost

🥈 2nd -KenK- (99.14% accuracy (303 races)) wins $663,000 - Stickers and Titles Package

🥉 3rd toonight (97.56% accuracy (28 races)) wins $362,000 - Titles Package

Same usual winners right? You all make me jealous on typing accurately wah... GGs!

-KenK- flexed the grinds with 303 races! Woah! 5 million bonus is on the way hehe. Thanks for making up the inactive race days and well done!

Oh btw you know who... don't Thumbs Down on accuracy comp MOTDs... Rude hehe.

And again: Thanks for sending the cash my chocolate friend! Hehe. I might consider asking NT Support to remove the cash limit...

Day 7 - Last Minute Trick or Treat! #

Spooky Comp is about to end... but are you satisfied with your earned cash candy? Time to sneak out of bed and do even more Trick or Treat-ing hehe!

Most races wins. Usually weekends people race less... perhaps feel free to try and sneak a win in!

The Final Prize today is the Halloween Candy trails valued at $1,750,000 mil!

Good luck, have fun!

Team Update #

Acceptable grinding today yay. Accuracy comps don't seem to draw much grinding, but to be fair... the grind winners deserve the break during accuracy comps.

Where shall we go next? #

Anyone still keen to stay in Top 50? Let me know through the contact page! I might produce a survey about this (as previously mentioned)...

I need to race less though, if I want to continue doing web updates and setting up new comps and events... Sorry! I'm not as good of a grinder as um... like those Top 2 Teams grinders with 200+ WPM Top speed? hehe ._.

Let's do it! Next Season - Race to Max Level! Another Gold offer #

The next season, something about Autumn will probably be starting on Monday was it? (I forgot). We'll give away another Nitro Type Gold to the first racer to reach Max Level!

Terms and Conditions apply like joining team date and how much races already done hehe. Consider this a loyal members only event hmmm.

To all already Gold Members, happy to offer alternative cash... More to come?

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy