I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 6th November 2021

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news.

Captain's Log #

Last night I did another 30 races before going to bed at 2:30am (230 races total before stat reset)... (don't do this kids hehe)

Today I've only done 100 races so far, I'll probably do a bit more. Same same with performance, it's "ok" but not great.

"Ignore the World" script Part IV #

(btw this script is called "Nitro Type Safe Space" hehe)

Didn't do much changes... but internally yep I did hehe. I got rid of the stupid setTimeout hack to track the race state and opt for the following:

And yes, big hint to anyone wanting to write your own userscript to do these features hehe. I might start hosting userscripts for the "Nitro Type Community" hmm...

PS. auto refresh script last letter check is pog; but people using the script AREN'T POG!

Minor Feature: Left the Chatroom #

Are you one of those people who can't stand seeing "disqualify" over rage quitters, broken cheater bot scripts (?), typo key shortcut players (like me rarely wah), bad connection people (like me rarely wah)?

Well my script now reports such players as simply "leaving the chatroom". Take this racer for example...

Ignore the World - Left the chatroom

(Yes I muted racer because of "interesting" things he said on a certain Discord server and the pointless "Heart" stickers seemly auto sticker at a percentage rate. But meh, it's not worth ranting about...)

Possible Bug on Friend Race? #

While testing that feature... I tried seeing if it detects friends entering and leaving while preparing for the race. I noticed the "LEFT" data doesn't attach any player info about who "left"... so what happens is, the other racers have zero idea that person left the race :/ (I guess it explains why you see people leave and join again in a snap after temporarily leaving and coming back in the friend race).

I wonder then if someone can exploit this by putting on 3 racers, leave and arrange a 1 v 1 races... (might explain the weird incident where I saw fr_racerX accounts on the racetrack a few months ago)

Nitro Type Support doesn't care about me (since that time they GeoIP block Australia and DDOS incident happened at same time; so yep they ignore my actual email and respond with copy paste message regarding the downtime...) so I'm not going to report it.

So yep, free Bug Smasher title opportunity for you "experts" hehe... :(

Q: Can you share the script? Part III #

No one else asking hehe, so I take it no one needs it :)

But if interested, I had made a simplified version called "No distractions". It basically only covers the race screen during racing and uncovers at the finish line... Uses less complicated Javascript code.

Although the script is a bit ironic because it distracts me at the start of race with the abrupt change effect hehe.

Rant: Cringe Userscript... #

I was watching a Youtube video featuring another userscript (in case I accidentally copied someone else's idea on my script). The idea is good and it probably worked as intended... but the code is... cringe

To put it nicely, the dev probably didn't do a quick review to clean up some redundant things.

There's also another chance I'm just being cocky... A friend simply told me to write it better hehe. You know what? Maybe I will...

And yep, as said above, auto refresh script is a good example :)

Donations #

Thank you to [FOLLY] GodEater for 1 million!

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to fill this out.

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st ack! (150 races!) wins 700k

🥈 2nd did I win? (82 races!) wins 300k

🥉 3rd Your a wizard Harry (63 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 4th -KenK- (58 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th 40k spodie (39 races!) wins 100k

GGs. Don't worry about my fellow Test Cakes... it ain't winning the prize hehe.

Visit here to see the results and start and end date.

NOTE: Blitz ends and another starts immediately from 8:45AM EDT and last for 24 hours. Good luck, have fun!

NOTE 2: Daylight Savings is ending for EDT... expect the next blitz to end around 9:30AM EDT. After that, we'll decide whether we do blitz from 9:30AM EDT again.

Competition - Extra November Special Blitz #

Your a wizard harry is hosting a separate blitz from Monday, 1st November 9:30AM EDT to Saturday, 6th November 9:30AM EDT.

Same rules as our daily blitz, most races win. Me and harry won't be in it.

The winner will receive 1 million from Your a wizard harry. It's almost over, I'll let Harry handle the MOTD regarding that :)

You can track the results here.

Team Update #

Friday Night less racing time again?

New Dealership Leaks = New Big Comp Ideas? #

King of Comps ack! has notified me about a new upcoming dealership "leak".

While I hate "leaks" (or spoilers in that sense)... it does give me time to think of big cash comp ideas.

I haven't checked out the "leaks", but I know there's nothing of importance like "Paper Planes"...

More to come?

Contact Us Response: Gold Comps #

A member asked me "How Gold Comps Work?". If there's a gold comp, I'll announce it on the website and put a tag "Gold" on the news post.

And when there is as gold comp, there will be rules on it. The last one was simply reach Lvl 30 first, which was a disappointment result to me (and that team hopper racer still owes me a "thank you"... rude hehe).

Also to answer any: "Is there any upcoming gold comp?", no not at this moment. But stay tune to the website for any future gold comp updates. I hate bragging about such comps on Nitro Type Teams and try to be subtle about it. My target audience is always the loyal members first ;)

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy