I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 16th November 2021

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news.

Captain's Log #

Last night I didn't sleep early and did another 100 races with dying speeds near the end. Today, my hands are dead...

I've done 160 races so far and just finished badly wah... But it wasn't the worst day... I did get a 150 wpm result at least once (rare for my skills hehe).

Same usual suspects on the track and some "returning ones" too. It's like they were saying: "Hey I'm back so you can block me with your stupid 'Safe Space' script" hehe.

Closing in on 40K #

I'm almost heading toward the 40K milestone... I might race less tomorrow to arrange a Friend Race time. Doing races in my morning time will probably be my goal (evening/night time for US people).

If I race less on my main account, I'll just do the grinds on the Test Cake account hehe.

Userscript: Safe Space #

Getting tired of calling this "Ignore the World", because I finished that part... but the script is basically now: Silje's Custom Nitro Type Interface hehe.

Today I found some more nitpicky minor code review things to fix on the script wah. But also decided to experiment with something bugging me on Nitro Type...

Racing in someone's friend race #

A couple of days ago while testing the "Safe Space" script, I received some Friend Race stickers. I never joined a friend race... which lead me to researching if I could reply back with the same stickers? The answer to that is "probably yes".

Ignore the World - Friend Race Gate Crashing

The screenshot above is me using the "Hello" sticker on a some random friend race hosted by [TROLL] Falice (Nitro Type probably shouldn't disclose that :/).

Whether they actually saw the sticker is another question itself though. Everything is working on Nitro Type's websocket backend code (eg. it broadcasts my chat stickers), but whether their JavaScript code displays it on normal race tracks is another problem itself...

But for now, I ran into that race again and decided to troll (hint hint fail pun) with: Hello and I'm going to win stickers and did win... while being a snail at 114wpm hehe.

Ugh Delete your Test Scripts Silly #

Ever since completing the "Safe Space" script, I kept forgetting to delete the prototype code with storing Muted/Blocked users.

For the JavaScript devs... Long story short, using the same IndexedDB databases but with completely different schemas = conflict hehe.

Userscript Ideas: Raid Friend Races #

Thanks to Nitro Type for sending websocket frame data about the "hosted race"... I might make another joke userscript to add: "Race Again with [Victim hosting Friend Race]" hehe.

Not sure whether it's feasible to allow friend race stickers though...

Userscript Ideas: Update Nitro Type Stats to display Daily Challenges #

With my Safe Space script blocking the Race Results page by default, I need to display the Daily Challenges somewhere.

Originally I was going to put it on the Safe Space code... but it makes more sense to apply it with the racing stats script (MY VERSION! NOT THAT CRINGE CODE!)...

Decisions, decisions, decisions hehe. It's my user experience, so first priority goes to me.

Userscript Ideas: Bulk Send Cash script... #

Sending out blitz cash prize is effort hehe. Might make a quick script to do a bulk send cash form hmm... But you'd think such script exists someone amirite? Let me know :)

(but be warned I'm picky and might "change it" hehe)

Userscript Ideas... #

lol nope jk, let's move on the news post (got too many ideas though hehe)

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st did i win? (259 races!) wins 700k + 1 million bonus

🥈 2nd PotStop (237 races!) wins 300k + 1 million bonus

🥉 3rd twitter willam40.k (130 races!) wins 200k + 1 million bonus

🎖️ 4th xiaobenji (87 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th Your a wizard Harry (46 races!) wins 100k

GGs. Amazing effort! Thank you for stepping up today yay!

Visit here to see the results and start and end date.

Team Update #

Haven't checked the 7 Day leaderboard, but I did see some nice 1000+ Last 24hr race count! Good job to the ones that stepped up. I'll take another quick review and see if there was anything worth noting...

Step Up Week #

(Reminder hehe)

To try and entice this week's "Step Up" challenge to cover some inactive racers this week... I'm going to give away 1 million bonus to the blitz winner that had "stepped up" for the team. GLHF!

Ugh Alliance Email Pranks Again #

Last night I received a stupid alliance email that basically said: "THIS IS A JOKE EMAIL LOL". I wonder if it's the same loser that did the LERS one hmm.

Oh and to the loser that emailed that ally email... Yeah I know a bit about that "account" hehe. Oh and if you are legit, feel free to prove it by other means.

But TBH, allies full rn so I might start ignoring those emails.

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy