I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 2nd December 2021

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news.

Captain's Log #

Last Night I manage to setup ack!'s comp. NGL, kinda simplified things a lot when doing it. I might do more work on stats or sleep early, feeling tired once again hehe.

Today I've done 250 races (125 per account). Same excuses about pacing myself hehe... well actually about that...

Going to the Dark Side Part II... #

During my lunch break, I quickly copy similar websocket server code wrote up the "Remote Control" localhost server to... AUTO REFRESH on the alt window!

Auto Refresh for Alt Accounts

On the right, the rice refreshes by when I'm almost finishing my other race hehe. My current configuration is 75% percent completed, start up the next race.

I might make another demo video on this and show it off to the "Nitro Type community" :/

How does it work? #

  1. Setup 2 Chrome profiles
  2. Install the script
  3. Turn on the remote control server
  4. Race on Chrome Profile Window A
  5. Race on Chrome Profile Window B
  6. If you want to stop, simply close the other window or leave the race page

I still use my Window Manager key bindings to shift the windows around (Window Key + Enter). I'm a Linux user that uses Tiling Window Managers (Suckless DWM with patches).

Trial Testing #

Over the last 100 races (50 per account), I was about to get a a couple of extra races sneaked in on my hourly grinds.

Some downsides:

There were close calls on almost missing the countdown... (within 2 seconds until race)... but that is what makes the script so great hehe.

Q: So can I have the script? I got alt accounts LOL #

Probably not hehe, haven't tested on Windows (probably works). It's simple to make though... I already told you how to make such script ideas on the last segment hehe.

Little bit of Pranking on Stat Pages #

One of the team captain I hosted stats for got "hacked" again. Was like: "account sharing gone bad again huh?" and their team page didn't look so good at the time... so I pretended that the stats page for said team got hacked too hehe.

But I left a note about restarting it once they resolved their issues (which they did).

The Captain was being a good sport about it and thanked me for the concerns (or was he hmm hehe).

But I'll admit, that was probably my worst tasteless jokes :/ so I'll try not to go overboard like that again hehe.

(But hey, those "LERS" people are funny too with their fake ally requests :/)

Donations #

Once again thank you [FOLLY] gorniak for the 100K!

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st Chosen (550 races!) wins 700k

🥈 2nd xiaobenji (185 races!) wins 300k

🥉 3rd iwishihadmoremoney (161 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 4th ack! (150 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th Curious George (104 races!) wins 100k

GGs. Well played once again Chosen! Perhaps the next "Flex Grinder" title should go to you hmm.

Visit here to see the results and start and end date.

Competition - Xmaxx Cave Shop #

Comp starting around 9:30 AM EST (2 hours ish if my time calculations are correct).

ack! will be your host and guide. I'll leave the MOTDs to you :)

GLHF everyone! Enjoy the snow animated backgrounds on the comp page.

Visit here to see the results and start and end date. I'll try to fix and obvious bugs on the page, but most likely will review during the night (EST timezone).

Bonus Offer from Captain #

Depending on the competition, if I see good results, I might also offer the same prize to 2nd place. Let's buy out the store!

PS. Yes I didn't realize the shop name, the palette swapped cars etc were Batman related... I'm embarrassed hehe.

Team Update #

Is 2000 the new standard??? Good work team! This makes me so happy yay! Thanks once again Chosen and other recurring blitz winners for flex grinding some of those daily races.

Officers Updated #

Sorry! xmaxxed ano :o I forgot to update officers. Was so busy doing the comp page last night.

Hope you didn't mind the delay sobs.

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy