I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 12th January 2022

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news in 2022! But first...

Dude where's my Paper Plane? #

Hehe. Now that you expanded the season's end date... why not take the time to celebrate Xmaxx in January by selling the Wrapped Flyer?

I'm willing to spend 10 NT Golds for it!... What's this?... you say I'm a "CC fraudster"? wah... Hmph!

end of joke section, moving on

Captain's Log #

Today I did 200 races. Originally had plans to do 250 to make up yesterday, but with 200 more races until 50K, I figured I'll do 195 tomorrow and schedule my 50K race around next news post or next day.

IRL work is getting in the way again with prospects of changing offices to fit more new staff :/. But hey, at least the Payrise is worth it. Time to go buy a Tesla... LOL NOPE JK hehe. But yeah need to do something about my engine oil consuming problem on my VW Golf wah... Fun fact: the car did 115K+ races eh I mean KMs hehe...

Honeypotting a Troll(s)?... #

Last week, I decided to play a game with a certain member who desperately wanted to join this team... I've been screenshotting all the emails and sharing it around with my NT friends, knowing it's "probably" a troll. Here's how it went (paraphrasing):

So I accepted that and watched how much racer wanted to do... But after day 1:

Kid then tries this after sending inactive break:

Also during the "inactive week"

Noting that the emails lacking new excuses (or doesn't really need further excuses during the "inactive week" anyway :/). I put out that pep talk hinting I might kick :P. After that...

I was hoping for something new by end of the inactive week. But lol nope jk:

IMAGINE MY SHOCK, lol nope jk. Although bit disappointed that racer lacked any new excuses. But all was not lost, thanks for letting me know:

About you and your brother's gold begging.

Congratulations to your bro for somehow managing to get gold. I also received your brother's email about that, good to hear, but not interested in allies at this moment. Also, I think you and your brother has something else to say to me...

Be honest: Did you go salty on me when I announced I'm not gifting gold to your team? (all those funny emails)

GGs :) don't come back, don't ally request me. Stay on your brother's team, he has gold now and now can run comps as stated on the gold begging email. I hope you are feeling better, did you get Covid? :(

NOTE: whether the kid was pranking or not, that's not how you beg for gold hehe (join team, do 30ish races only say inactive day 2). You need to learn the concept of working hard... GLHF with growing up and get well soon.

Oh for anyone interested #

If anyone wants me to expose that racer's name and team let me know, but it's not worth it hehe. But for this special occassion, I think I will consider it! Those series of emails lasted a month...

Again, not worth it. Kids being kids and the capatain has gold now :/

PS. I forgot to tell quankie from that captain:

I wanted to see if you could tell quankie that I have started to use his car and that he inspired me?

Sorry :( something I would had done that for free and would had been done via Discord :/.

Future Stat Request Emails... #

Today I got the same stat request email from HackVictim100K (good nickname? hehe)... But the email is sus and the request credits are now dry :P

I noticed another former top team disbanded a couple of days ago and lost stats. Just going to say: "Not setting up stats if you create again". This is true for any team until I start doing the new stats.

Donations #

We got a special one today... SUPER BIG THAN YOU SO VERY MUCH TO...

Big Donation Alert #

ƮɣƿɛɾƧɦǝɾƙ for... $9,999,999 NT CASH! :O

I have no idea why though. I raced that player once today, had a Heart Sticker which I respsectively replied back. I won that race, so could be that.

If memory serves, that racer is fairly fast and I encounter him/her (sorry gender guessing issues) from the 110-120 WPM league. Good accuracy racer etc.

I remember ƮɣƿɛɾƧɦǝɾƙ was on DSNT, then recently joined another team and is now Teamless.

GGs and thank you so much for the cash yay!

Also thanks to... #

Thank you to the following:

These series of donations definitely have funded my "Race to Max Level" comp hehe.

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st ack! (249 races!) wins 700K

🥈 2nd NorManLT (144 races!) wins 300k

🥉 3rd Arcety (134 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 4th Retinazer (122 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th good racea (73 races!) wins 100k


Visit here to see the results and start and end date.

Team Update #

Same same, well within the reasonable grind count. Still holding on to Top 50.

I haven't looked much on Season Leaderboard, but I think we are good :). Good work team! Season expanded though :(, but all good! I'll try and come up with another big comp soon along with the "Race to Max Level" tradition hehe.

Bad news... broom job coming today or tomorrow hehe.

Happy Birthday Captain of APO! #

I think I might be a day late on this wah... I had an email from long time ally generalgoat about their upcoming 16th birthday tomorrow (IRL).

Happy Birthday from Folly Times! Bday cash is on the way, yay (rhyming intended hehe).

PS. Give me your car... wah :(

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy