I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 24th February 2022

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news!

Captain's Log #

Today I did 155 races (100/55 split races). It was a bit "chaotic" today on both my accounts hehe...

Still hectic in office and I imagine co-workers will aim to wake up early :/. I might be doing the same too myself...

Speaking of waking up early... I tried doing that for the Raffle Comp system but lol nope jk, only woke up 1 hour earlier than usual. More about the raffle comp below :(

Main Account 40K Race Done #

Thank you to all that participated! I would write names down, but my news post schedule is a bit behind today with being flat out wah...

Let me just say, yes while I do lose every KOTR races... it was good where we all at least past 120 WPM hehe. I was kinda distracted with Discord and Inviting, stupid friend system... Also played a little joke experiment with TurboTypist on the track... It's a secret hehe.

Also before I forget: thank you to all the other players that wanted to join my race! And of course there were donations such as:

[S0RC] agentgarbo for $444,444! and another from STACL name had something along lines of "I'll Join your 40K Race" hehe.

EDIT: I also forgot! Thank you again [S0RC] agentgarbo and [SSH] Almighty for mentioning this to a Discord Server (presumably Team 75M Discord Server? not a typo! hmph hehe)!

Giveaway Cash with mention of me

Donations #

Thank you to the following!

Competition - Special Blitz #

Special Blitz Results!

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st Road to 7k NIGHTMARE (209 races!) wins 2.5 mil

🥈 2nd Frosty Racer (126 races!) wins 1.2 mil

🥉 3rd good racea (78 races!) wins 800k

🎖️ 4th TheCorndogSon (59 races!) wins 800k

🎖️ 5th LETS GO BRANDON (54 races!) wins 500k

Our Zen Winner today is... Ijando with score of 96.68%!

And our Chaos Winner today is... Ijando with score of 88.11 WPM!

500K has been sent to our Zen and Chaos winners! Hold on... Ijando has combined the forces of Zen and Chaos as one special force! :O Good stuff yay! Quick reminder, 25 races required.

Any racers that did 40 races today will receive 100K soon! Good grinds today, you have stepped up during this week so far.


Team Update #

Reasonable count again! Thank you all for stepping up!

Raffle Competition Postponed to 1st March 2022 #

As to be expected, I'm too busy getting this comp set up. We won't begin this comp on the 1st year anniversary and instead I'll be giving out Gold to the player that performed well during the special blitz. It will be based on the winnings from Top 5, Zen and Chaos winnings.

No one likes to hear excuses, so I'll just say: I'm sorry for letting you down wah...

And here's an update about the comp:

I've created the system, but I'm still testing out the raffle ticket distributions. I'll also need to do a quick web page on this. I'm hoping no one will disturb me during the weekend... YOU HEAR ME BOSS? hehe... If anything happens, I'll let you all know soon.

Special Blitz Might become Daily Blitz #

I'm actually liking the results the special blitz has performed. I might stick to the new prize format, except for the huge prize bump. More to come...

There's also that "hiatus" thing I keep mentioning about... If players are able to do these kinds of grinds, I'll be able to not bother racing too much and focusing on the dev side of things.

Keep it up Silly Entities!

The Makings of Folly Times Part VI #

I'm strap for time... I'll make this quick (not that I have much else to add hehe).

After the Spooky Comp, I had a eager member that wanted to join my team... Meet Your a wizard harry! I had no idea our friend race and his use of "Join my Team" sticker was actually saying: "Can I join?"... out of chance, I approved the application and already proved to do the daily req for this team.

But what really made me happy was Harry offered to run a comp on the first week of November! I accepted and provided the comp page for it. It was during that time, I long wished for another co-captain on this team to do a bit of management hmm. Unfortunately, this hasn't happened yet and so I must work my hardest in providing the content.

At the end of the year, I finally got to experiment with new comp ideas and created a special Xmaxx Comp. The rules was based on winning points through 10 minute blitz! It was the most fun thing I've created for this team and I hope to roll that feature on future comps and website!

I think this is the last story for Making of Folly Times... If I have time for our 1st Year Anniversary, I'll see what other extra content I can add in this segment hehe.

EDIT: ack! also hosted a comp too when the Xmaxx Cave Shop opened. I can't stress how thankful I am for these rare occasions!

New Ally: H4MMER #

After losing to Hammerhead Shark from the 120WPM league, I decided to drop a DM (we are Discord friends) and he offered an alliance. I cannot deny that request to friends from Discord hehe.

Welcome to the alliance!

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy