I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 15th March 2022

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news with salt...

Captain's Log #

Today I've only done 100 races. I kicked my "Chaos" account... it's that time again where I share some grinds with other teams :/. And no it's not that 75M_NOT_A_TYPO_TEAM... (it's not too late to say thank you properly hehe).

Userscript: Race Enhancement Results #

Let's start with the highlight rant that people probably want to laugh at (if you can even put up with my english hehe):

So NT What the Heck? #

5 days later since I released this script... Nitro Type finally put back Accuracy on the Race Results! It's mixed feelings. But let's all pretend I'm upset.

Here's my guess what went down in various scenarios:

... DISCLAIMER: The following scenarios are make pretend, calm down and laugh it off. Most likely case... they finally relent over user feedback on this matter (?)

Scenario 1: Admins actually read my news posts and see my handy work #

Bug Report: Accuracy is missing
Dev: Not a bug, it's a feature

...Toon uploads userscript to show accuracy...

Dev: F**_ Y_**, trying to crush my pride as a "dEvElOpEr"? FINE I'LL FIX THE BUG AND RUIN YOUR PRIDE!

Scenario 2: I want Bug Smasher lol #

"My name is "Pointy", I got Bug Smasher on one of my accounts, I R POGGERS. I want another one tho lol because I want to sell the alt account and makez moneyz. But I can't find any bugs, I need to find "inspiration"

...Toon uploads userscript to show accuracy...


Scenario 3: I'm some Youtuber, but I got nothing to talk about... #

"Oh I know, I'll write a email"

Dear Nitro Type, Can you make more updates on the website? My Youtube Channel is lacking new content for my subscriberz. All I talk about is Nitro Type Drama and that's not healthy for my subscriberz! Remember: I have 1000 subscribers and a Verified Youtuber! Please help out your trusty VERIFIED Youtuber, and I'll tell the world how great your website is. Please kthxbai, your fellow NT Youtuber - RandomNameBeforeYT

(I wonder if NT drama on YT is still a thing...)

Real Thoughts #

About time they fixed it. This kind of fix isn't as bad as when they ignored my bug report about "Offensive Word" filters and then fixed it after I released a userscript exploiting it.

I'm still wondering, is it intentional they hide Accuracy on the race results. I still remember the initial change where they only showed "Time"... I originally speculated that they hide it to discourage players from reporting other players over repeated 100% accuracy hehe.

So really thank you for fixing it. But did you do it because I wrote a userscript 5 days ago addressing this issue?... seriously, I just want to know if you are reading my news posts :/

(or am I being "passive aggressive" hehe)

Other Things #

I've updated my script so it doesn't deal with accuracy anymore. I also fixed a bug where the custom fields showed on the wrong spot sometimes...

I also have plans to replace "Nitros Used" to "Skipped Characters". I'm brainstorming more ideas for this script before releasing another update.

Link: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/441246-nitro-type-race-result-enhancements

Future Userscripts #

A few news posts ago, I tried telling NT about some potential bug... They were like "nah not a bug, not even going to watch your video or see your screenshots". I mentioned I might turn that into a "joke script" for everyone to use...

It's coming... Only two people know what this is hehe. Who wants to make a guess how many days will Nitro Type fix the bug after I release it hehe.

(fyi: it might be common knowledge though among the smart ones)

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st JoyfulTyper1801 (143 races!) wins 700k

🥈 2nd Riggly Riley (141 races!) wins 300k

🥉 3rd xXNIGHTMAREXx (128 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 4th Bradon (105 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th good racea (99 races!) wins 100k

GGs! Lots of cash to hand out for doing at least 40 races! Daily Rewards as nice hehe, imagine, 700K per week! It's like "working" IRL hehe.

Visit here to see the results and start and end date.

Competition - Most Races wins within 7 Day #

I had a look, looks quite close and reasonable race counts so far. Keep it up Silly Entities! Like the last hosted comp, I might give away 5 million to runner up if it's worth it hmm...

Visit this page: https://folly.team/comps/march-blitz-special-2022 for the leaderboard.

The prize is 5 million and is only offered to the winner!

Team Update #

Nice! over 1000 races again today. Keep it up, I might reintroduce the Chaos and Zen winners.

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy