I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

Logo Mobile Folly Times

Daily News - 17th March 2022

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news!

Captain's Log #

Same same, 100 races with Zen. Was looking into a minor userscript issue on the race result stat not handling "rank change" and alignment issues... Was also writing another userscript to autoclose the reward popup if on race page hmm...

Still busy with "game project" with my "promotion" getting me a little more involved... GLHF looking at the Unreal Engine game bit :/.

Reporting another Bug to NT #

2 days ago, I decided to report a very very minor bug to NT Admins...

  1. Finish race and see race results
  2. Click "-" to minimize race
  3. Click "View Results" to bring it back up
  4. Mouse over the 1st place winner and note the popup box...

The popup box gets cut out because the race container has a "overflow hidden" on it... The bug itself is because the class flags aren't updated correctly...

Why did I report it? Because I care?... and to blame something else for Safe Space userscript doing the same bug (it's not my fault hehe).

Their Response #

Rolling my eyes, in paraphrased response:

It's a known issue and has been fixed. Logout and login to try again.

lol nope jk, still broken (for me ?) :/

What's this? You say it's fixed on some "staging server" and hasn't been deployed yet? Nah don't make me bring up that story about "fixing accuracy", surely it's the perfect time to launch the fix...

Again minor, not even worth "bug smashing" about. Should I bother to reply? Sometimes I find it frustrating to get my message across... I reckon they are like: "lmao this kid such a grifter". Don't get me started on another report with my FOLLOW UP REPLY where I talked about... oops that's a secret hehe.

Moving on...

Donations #

Thank you to the following!

Competition - Blitz #

Again I mess up blitz page wah... If there's no daily blitz, I would probably say that a little more earlier... Anyway...

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st Bradon (304 races!) wins 700k

🥈 2nd Riggly Riley (158 races!) wins 300k

🥉 3rd JoyfulTyper1801 (105 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 4th Benny_does_stuff (95 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E (95 races!) wins 100k


Visit here to see the results and start and end date.

Competition - Most Races wins within 7 Day #

Results to be announced 8:30AM EST. Your a wizard harry will be sending the cash. I'll also allow him to MOTD the results. Psst, that's roughly 45 minutes after daily blitz. Haven't checked who's leading, but if things go well, I might throw in a runner up cash!

Visit this page: https://folly.team/comps/march-blitz-special-2022 for the leaderboard.

The prize is 5 million and is only offered to the winner!

Team Update #

Haven't checked daily count, I think it was within the reasonable count.

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy