I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 25th April 2022

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news!

Captain's Log #

Today I've done 100 Snail Zen races. While I was being "snail", it was a good result hehe.

Oh and I kicked that evil L Toonidy :(

Userscript: Safe Space #

I've made a minor fix that I took my time forever fixing. Now the assigned stickers are shown in the order they are set from the Customizer page.

Download: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/443211-nitro-type-safe-space (this is my "private" edition, I've let Nate know there's an update)

Anyone interested in having Safe Space showing Top X actual ranking on the screen? :/ I didn't put it in because I don't care about that ranking... but it's got it's uses.

Userscript: Racing Stats #

I've did a bit of refactoring and tried a couple of "tricks" to deal with "Auto Refreshers" while not fullproof include:

I'm also looking into how to present the stuff. IMO, i think this is already bloat, but here's what I've got:

racing stats screenshot

I'll of course add in any extra details :/, maybe a "floating" option. An example of this:

racing stats floating idea

(stopwatch, webcam, linux terminal showing time not included hehe)

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st Riley Abreu (128 races!) wins 700k

🥈 2nd Season (100 races!) wins 300k

🥉 3rd OmegaRed (87 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 4th Bradon (37 races!) wins 200k

🎖️ 5th Fuzzy Paws (35 races!) wins 100k

Not enough entries for Zen and Chaos winners today.


Visit here to see the results.

Team Update #

Not so good on the Last 24hr wah... but weekend I guess? :/

I've already done the brooming, so we'll see what awaits us this week.

Next Season Coming Yeah? #

Race to Max Lvl Big Cash comp will be back. Assuming Nitro Math stuff is sorted hehe.

PS. There better be Paper Plane Loot!

Lack of Other Team Palette :/ #

Not sure if it's me, but I feel like there's hardly any team worth joining for the main. I guess I don't trust any racers anymore, there's always some "bad apple" :/

If anyone has a suggestion for which team my main should temporary join, let me know :P

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy