Daily News - 27th April 2022
dailydonatorscompetitionblitzother teamsNZA
Hello Silly Entities!
Time for another daily news!
Captain's Log #
Today I'm stopping at 100 Snail Zen races. Again same same results, but faster and a bit more inaccurate. When I say fast, I mean enough to say hello to 120WPM league.
Apollo-ing Teams Adventures: Part 2 #
Meanwhile at NZA... I dropped another 100 L sus races (only with 99.3% accuracy wah). Might return the cash back to the captain for the 100 races for 1 mil...
It's time to move on to another team... But first, got to review if it's Other Team
advertising worthy hmm (probably not required IMO, but definitely worth looking up)...
Who shall I join next? Who shall be THE NEXT MOON TARGET! Rocket awaits!
PS. It's safe to join back to that team :P, it's not toxic, yes I'm talking to you through the Fourth Wall!
Disclaimer: Apollo-ing is an inside joke and may have referenced a certain member from last year who loved to team hop Top 10 teams...
Donations #
First of... I got a communication cash from a certain someone, thank you :P. However you don't deserve a shoutout after your follow up stunt (and past ones). Same for your "friend" (I suspect is your friend) :/ PS. still keep sending though hehe.
Thank you to the following:
- [FOLLY] gorniak for $100,000!
- [PEAK6] Da Blue Piano 6k for $100,000!
Competition - Blitz #
Congratulations to the winners:
🥇 1st Season (100 races!) wins 700k
🥈 2nd Riley Abreu (73 races!) wins 300k
🥉 3rd TheCorndogSon (69 races!) wins 200k
🎖️ 4th PalpatineSegsy (59 races!) wins 200k
🎖️ 5th good racea (55 races!) wins 100k
Our Zen Winner today is... Season with score of 99.63%!
And our Chaos Winner today is... Ijando with score of 92.04 WPM!
Visit here to see the results.
Team Update #
Still not good on the Last 24hr wah :(... Maybe new season will be more motivating hehe. What's this? Nitro Type still busy fixing "not a bug" features on Nitro Math? Oh folly hehe...
Until next time!
- Silje P. Entidy
- Next: Daily News - 28th April 2022
- Previous: Daily News - 26th April 2022