Daily News - 4th May 2022
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Hello Silly Entities!
Time for another daily news!
Captain's Log #
Today I've only had time for 50 Zen Races.
Nitro Type Admins 26th May DO IT! #
26th May 2026 is... NATIONAL PAPER AIRPLANE DAY https://nationaltoday.com/national-paper-airplane-day/
:P that's what you get for hyping Star Wars on 4th May (now ruined IMO :/ hides from sequel trilogy and talking rock fanatics)...
While you are at it... https://nationaltoday.com/dinosaur-day/ 1st June, do it! Rex Sticker on shop now! PAPER PLANES VS DINOSAURS DO IT!
Disclaimer: Paper Planes vs Dinosaur is an inside joke between some of my NT Friends (and my Discord Profile hehe), HINT: Blame Fast Typist Indoraptor and his obsessions against Paper Planes/
Nitro Type Admins So You Fixing it? #
A couple days ago, I decided to "report a bug" to Nitro Type Admins... I already didn't have high hopes for being treated seriously and the bug is IMO low priority but easy fix...
On my bingo card I have:
- It's not a bug, random reason that doesn't address my concerns (Example: Discovery who friend race from normal race and a secret trick I have't revealed yet)
- It's a known issue and it's fixed, please login to try again (Example: Race Results Player Profile hover popup overflow cutout after minimizing the results)
- Can you screenshot it? (gets reply, does nothing) (Example: Australia and a few other countries blocked on Nitro Type during the DDOS attacks I guess)
- (unlikely but non-productive reply, maybe fix but doesn't follow up) We'll look into it (Example: Some obvious grinding exploit known to many sus people)
It's that one :/ Come on, sure it's minor because it can be done "elsewhere" but at least follow up my reply! You asked for a screenshot, and I gave you one with some annotations. I even threw away a "hint" on how to fix it... COUGH* USE INT NOT BOOLEAN ON API CALL LIKE ON THAT WORKING PAGE COUGH COUGH*
On the bright side, at least they tried being empathetic this time hehe.
PS. I have another minor bug report... LOOK OUT HEHE! (although someone might rather me not tell about it for the greater good :P)
Thank you for the Quick Chat Pinkyone! #
While I don't appear and chat on NT Discord Servers. I'm on one where it's just captains and officers... Nice to chat to various people from there. Appreciated the "hello" :)
I'll leave my main on PR2W until 50K hehe.
Donations #
Thank you to the following:
- Illy for $100,000! (there's no gold comp here shifty eyes ._.)
Competition - Blitz #
Congratulations to the winners:
🥇 1st ack! (250 races!) wins 700k
🥈 2nd PepG2_NT (110 races!) wins 300k
🥉 3rd Season (100 races!) wins 200k
🎖️ 4th xXLEGENDARYXx (85 races!) wins 200k
🎖️ 5th coolbones (84 races!) wins 100k
Our Zen Winner today is... Season with score of 99.73%!
And our Chaos Winner today is... Da Blue Piano 6k with score of 94.25 WPM!
Visit here to see the results.
Team Update #
Haven't checked, probably still okay but every team seems active :/. Calm down other teams, it's just a short season hehe.
We'll work on Leaderboard ambitions another week :/
Alliance Update #
Last night I noticed TCHR went active again, so I decided to reconfirm alliance. All is well and I had some context about what happened during the inactive period.
I also have 2 other teams interested in alliance. One a bit active, the other, seemly inactive.
Welcome back! Happy grindings!
Until next time!
- Silje P. Entidy
- Next: Daily News - 5th May 2022
- Previous: Daily News - 3rd May 2022