I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Dear Nitro Type, What the Heck?

Dear Nitro Type Team,

What the heck is with your latest "features"? I need to point out the "follies" of your following features.

Closing Roller Shutters Animation, Why? #

First was this "bug" where passing the finish line triggers the "garage door" to close on the Typing Test, Rank, WPM, Accuracy and other things that were behind the doors...

Why would you hide the live metrics just as a racer finishes the typing test? I'm trying to look at where I came after crossing the line... Why waste 5 seconds worth of my time waiting for the results?

But hold on Silly, you said bug?. Yep, that's what Nitro Type support said, and apparently it was fixed and apparently I just had to log out and login to see the fix... lol nope jk, I don't think it's fixed yet :/

So it came down to me writing up a Userscript on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/449296-nitro-type-disable-closing-shutters

You can probably do the same trick using CSS too. CSS code for that is on the link, but I never tested it.

(PS. I don't think it's a bug, it's clearly got "feature" all over the code)

Team Page, yeah let's slap a Top Team Badge, WHY? #

Another dumb feature... slapping a Top Team badge on all members that didn't have Top Player... Thanks NT, you have just encouraged the slackers to join Top 50 Teams and they'll feel good about themselves :/

As requested by at least one team, I made another userscript to sort that out https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/449736-nitro-type-team-page-badge-fixes

But as a former Top 50 team, can't say I'm paying attention whether this is actually fixed or not :P

Next Race Starting in Countdown, EHHH WHY??? #

This "feature" is what really ticked me off and is why I'm ranting today.

Apparently, completing a race, admiring the race results will come with a hidden surprise... "NEXT RACE STARTS IN COUNTDOWN"...

WHAT THE HECK? I didn't ask for this. "Oh Silly, surely there's a setting to disable that?". LOL NOPE JK, I didn't see it. The closest thing I saw was clicking "X" on the countdown... which is totally not helpful.

While I did see chatter about this feature, I also learned how dumb it was. Sometimes during my grinds, I go AFK on a race result page... to my annoyance, I go back to the computer and see "Disqualified"... Was like: "Did I finish typing the test?" but nope, it's becaues the race "reloaded" for me.

Why are you doing this? I don't see any reason for this. What's this? Players are too lazy to press enter? oh come on, this is a keyboard favored website... What's this? you saying refreshing races via F5/Ctrl+R/Userscirpt is bad for you? but willing to compromise? Um no, that's even more inefficient. What's this? doing this to upset players?, that I can believe... :P

Please don't make me write a userscript for this... please... just add an option to do it or remove it :/

Your Next Feature? #

JUST STOP! :P seriously, this is downhill material. What, I'm being nitpicky and a bit toxic, I should quit NT? Maybe I will... However trust me, it's not a good direction and I really do wonder where you are getting these ideas from. If someone is telling you these ideas, don't listen to them! :P

As a fullstack dev myself, if I make some bad UX (user experience), my boss will lecture me :/

At least try out this tip for UX:

Does the app/website make me angry or happy when operating it :/

And yes, I'm not good at this department myself.

Want some ideas? #


Some anti social features?

I guess as a bonus:

Probably should side note, don't do anymore small updates and start focusing on game content or just focus on Nitro Math more. Don't need updates tbh.

(ps. no Wrapped Flyer jokes today, I'm serious)

But don't worry, not all is bad :) #

I still like the Dinosaur Chasing Car Trail hehe. I'm sure casual mode was much appreciated, which only is successful because you had feedback on it and "youtuberz" tested it :/

The website itself is also visual, I love talking about Nitro Type features at work over our "game project"... Fun fact: we have our own "daily challenge" feature hehe (idea wasn't from NT though, just a general gaming feature).

Enjoy the rant and try to listen to more feedback if people are reporting. And don't reply "it's a bug, it's fixed, please logout and login" :/

- Silje P. Entidy