I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Shoutouts - 3rd July 2021

Today I've received a lot of cash, received good news from allies and had a constructive feedback.

Donators #

Thank you to the following donators:

[NYM] ILY2theMoon -131k X3 for donating $8,000,000! Wow! The story behind this is that I'm helping their Top Team by providing them a stats page. While I do offer Team Stat pages to other teams, there are some friends on other top teams that I'm happy to provide and help. With this funding, I'm more encouraged to work on improving the team stat system.

[EXXO] -Arcus- for donating $1,032,986 (Captain of our ally EXXO). While the team has been a bit inactive lately, we still would like to remain allies (sorry if I ran out of space on my NT Team Page). I also had been in contact for other businesses hehe...

[RWC] Captain Cloudy for donating $100,000 (Captain of our ally RWC). This is our recent new ally after confirming alliances.

I've also been getting other cashes from different people, but I keep closing that window. But thanks to all that donate to me.

If you ever want a shoutout on donations, please contact me with a screenshot of the cash sent.

Thank you Igor being Active #

This next message is personal message to igorgoiaba:

Thank you for always making the daily requirement and doing lots of racing. I also thank the times you sent your prize to other strong active racers.

Tomorrow's Team Event is sponsored by all of his winnings in the recent blitzes. I'm going to convey his message to other team members and would like to see other racers get activated and try to win some blitz.

Congratulations RCW on Top 100 #

I received a message from [RWC] Captain Cloudy that their team reached Top 100 (84th right now) on Leaderboard. Congratulations! I know you were aiming to been as good as us, keep it up!

Fun fact: We have an ally chat on Padlet. If other ally team captains are interested, contact me if you want.

Contact Us Responses #

Last night, a team member asked for me to update Members page about 11 day inactive. I believe that member did not realize that is for "Last Joined" (when a team member joined the team) and not "Last Raced" hehe.

Still Awaiting Feedback #

A couple of days ago, I asked the Top Active racers on recent blitzes to provide me feedback what I should do with the inactive. I've really gotten nothing on this subject, apart from one today.

I would like to ask another question to those inactive:

Would you like your inactive period displayed on this website?

I get a little overwhelm with people thinking "this person should be kicked" or whether I need to clear the queue to invite new racers.

Friendly Reminder #1 #

I also need to keep reminding people that me kicking is not the same as permanent ban, it just means you can't race and we need new racers to take over in the meantime.

Ideally it would be more appreciative if people leave the team and come back.

Again, think about the other people who are grinding hard for the team and is let down by your inactive period and not wanting to be kicked.

Friendly Reminder #2 #

Don't take this next comment the wrong way. This message is to anyone in the future.

Just remember, while I have so much powers as Captain of a Team and try to do many things... I'm also a person that has other hobbies (playing different games) and interests in Nitro Type (like using my main account for other teams and helping other friends with their silly goals).

Don't forget to thank me once in awhile by general gestures on Nitro Type Teams and try not to stir drama.

Until next time with daily news (which should be a little less content hehe)...