I no longer operate the Nitro Type account and Team, but left a goodbye message :P

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Daily News - 5th April 2022

Hello Silly Entities!

Time for another daily news on this foolish website!

Captain's Log #

Today I did 100 sloppy snail races today... It was going ok during my first 50 but lol nope jk, I'm out of focused today... Could be one of the many factors like... L Toonidy breaking into my account? hehe.

Userscript: Evil Sandbagging Script #

Not much to update... been trying to work out how "WPM Leagues" work... I figured maybe it's to do with roundings like 79.99WPM = 70-80wpm... but not sure... I can't determine avg speed that lacks the "decimals"... I made a guess attempt on a certain hidden data on user profile data, but avg didn't match up hmm.

Oh well, if I go over 80 slightly, take the L and go 78 wpm to drop back down hehe.

Note to self... toggle various timers depending on whether to Nitro or Not.

Funny Reactions of the Day? #

Nothing funny happened :( I tried egging people to "Try to Ketchup", but lol nope jk, similar results throughout the races.

Q: When can I have the script #

IDK, maybe never hehe. Haven't received any "interests", so not going to release it.

Userscript: Ghost Racing Cursor #

Coming soon today I think... just tweaking some "CSS" hehe. When turning off Safe Space, it does seem to help when I go 100WPM during 75WPM league hehe.

But part of me thinks it's distracting if competitively racing normally hmm... I'll release it, but yep, just remember, it's accurately bad as the normal race track hehe. IMO, you'll still love to see it hmm.

Userscript: RAID FRIEND RACE #

Everytime you do a normal race, sometimes you enter in a random stranger's friend race. What you might not know is... It tells you who started the friend race! My script simply informs you that at the end of the race and allows you to join their friend race.


Download: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/442793-nitro-type-raid-friend-race

Not a Bug Approved! #

Before thinking of making and releasing that, I did the polite thing and asked if it's a bug...

Honestly was expecting this kind of reasonable response (and flawed):

Hi Captain Silje, as you might know, race links are accessible by anyone. We believe we have no reason to hide whether a racer is friend racing or not. But thank you for providing feedback about friend races!

But lol nope jk, they went even lower and made it very blunt :/ What's this? You think they misunderstood my message? perhaps? I lost faith in clarifying things... usually it's "end of conservation" where they ignore the follow up.

I warned on my past news posts that... I'll start releasing "not a bug" scripts as "joke scripts"... It starts today!

Why are you releasing it? #

In the past, I swear, everytime I make a userscript, Nitro Type wants to actually start fixing things I point I. For example:

What my latest script will test is:

Will Nitro Type follow suit with my feedback concern and fix it? (ps. drop a thank you)

FYI: There's another one of the "not a bug" scripts coming soon! #

Hint: Comes from my WIP Typing Stats script...

Userscript: Safe Space #

I'll try to move the "current player" to the left side of the box... That'll give more room to show all normal racer opponents hehe.

Donations #

Thank you to the following!

Competition - Blitz #

Congratulations to the winners:

🥇 1st Riley Abreu (139 races!) wins 1.4 mil

🥈 2nd ack! (105 races!) wins 600k

🥉 3rd Best-3V3R (101 races!) wins 400k

🎖️ 4th CuriousBlueSquid (81 races!) wins 400k

🎖️ 5th Fuzzy Paws (68 races!) wins 200k

Our Zen Winner today is... Season with score of 99.64%!

And our Chaos Winner today is... Silly Sandbagger with score of 102.45 WPM!

GGs, enjoy the double prize rewards and the daily 40 races for 200K. Back to the normal prizes!

Visit here to see the results.

Team Update #

I saw reasonable count and blitz page did look "ok".

Contact Us - Can you change blitz time for CST? #

Unfortunately it's set in stone. The reason why I only do "24hr" blitz is because everyone has a chance to grind equally regardless of what time. It doesn't matter if I change the starting time, it's still the same result.

A couple of months ago, made a jk reference about Daily Challenges not during my lunch break when Daylight Savings was over hehe. But even if I don't race during the rest of the day, I still can do daily challenges during the next day...

Joined late? no problem, try again next day.

I'm in the opposite timezone, and sometimes I sleep immediately after doing the blitz result, news page and MOTD.

Quick Goodbye for Now #

Today I took out the broom and unfortunately, Donation Master Spooky Pumpkin seems to be inactive recently.

Goodbye for now. Come back anytime when you are active again and thank you for the past donations :)

Until next time!

- Silje P. Entidy